Things that annoyed me intensely this week. Magnificent seven.
- When you get your car fixed, spend an absolute klondyke getting the thing ready for the MOT. . . get it home and something still isn’t working.
- People raising objections to things and nit-picking, yet not offering a solution themselves.
- If I am doing something for a particular reason, I don’t really need someone questioning what I’m doing.
- Those in team sports that suffer from the disease of me, and fail to understand the true concept of the team.
- My children’s school has introduced a late book for children that are late for school to sign. I have instructed them never to sign any admission of guilt.
- Tom Humphries article about camogie in the Irish Times last Monday was good in parts but patronising nonsense elsewhere. Show me the evidence Tom.
- Being slapped on the wrists by the Powers That Be in a large sporting organisation. Control freakery gone wild.