The Chattel Calling the Black Cat

Today’s List

Some highlights from the front line.

Waking up with Treasa in the bed. Hug fada mór.
Methodical work, sometimes you can, sometimes you can’t.
Wrote good wee case study – well I think I did…
Eddie the expert tried to fix my car key catastrophe, failed but didn’t ask for a dime… He’s a wood turner too.
Met an old friend and tried to talk him round to something we both believe in. Signs of progress.
Coffee and apple donut fritter @ Starbux, fuxache.
Home decided Irish would be DIY.
(by the way if you’re reading this let me know)
A presentation for an interview scenario. Could I would I back again?
G cancels training
Dinner time… So many children present we don’t have enough forks. For forks ache.
Useful piece of advice – thank you Martin!
Interesting article – don’t read what u want to write about; write about what people will actually read. Dunno… the chattel calling the cat black.

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