I bought Angela a pair of boots
For Christmas you understand
They surprised her, the boots
Very fashionable she said to me
I didn’t think they’d suit me she said.
Well I did. So,
One of the first things I noticed when
We met.
In the Hogshed bar were her
Long legs, all the way they go
Up, to her
Curly hair’d smile and that
Grin. Pint handed both less
Spotted now and more’s the pity. Then,
Fag smoked just like her
Patsy, but no more.
So the boots. Predictable
I suppose I should have picked
Knee length boots, but I spied
My niece, in reality Angela’s niece Wearing…
Ankle boots. She looked great. She
Gets it from somewhere and
I know where.
Sometimes it takes a pair of boots to
Say you have great legs which in
Turn means. Well you know what it
Means as opposed to any other
Oul shite. Different ways of saying
The same thing. She looks great
Starting from the bottom up.
And as for the legs. Bootilicious.
And now she lies, sleeping
Across my lap. Boots
Kicked off, but they lie there Appreciated.
And it sometimes takes something
Like that to say what needs to
Be said as opposed to what’s
Lazily said. Easily said, but